Valentines Day Pizza in the Park 14/2

Shelly Beach Shelly Beach, Queensland, Australia

Friday afternoon chat time with a pizza and a glass of red and some friendly faces! Shelly Beach is a pretty place, good seating and under cover, toilets close by! Lets order Dominos again and share the cost - it worked well last time!

SSC JAZZ Nicki Parrot 16/2 $22.50/$27.50

Powerboat Club Caloundra, Qld, Australia

    NICKI PARROT, jazz vocalist and bass player is performing at the Powerboat Club Caloundra. $22.50 SSC Jazz club members $27.50 Non members Once registered, I'll send you SSC Jazz Club bank details to pay for your ticket to confirm your booking.


BYO craft & chat – 17/2 $5/$10

Bells on Main Community Space 2/11 Bulcock Street, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia

Let's just sit around and chat while we do our own thing! BYO your favourite craft and lets see what you do! Tea/coffee provided, maybe sweet stuff! $5 M / $10 NM from February

Crochet with Clare 17/2 $5/$10

Bells on Main Community Space 2/11 Bulcock Street, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia

Clare Horan, the skilled, dedicated "hooker", there's nothing she doesn't know about crochet and she loves to share her knowledge if you want to learn:  then its practise, practise and more practise! $5 PP. Tea/coffee in the kitchen! $10 NM $5 if you need to buy a hook and ball of yarn from Clare.

RSVP Now Free 8 spots left

Chit Chat Tuesdays 10.30 – Happy Valley 18/2

Happy Valley Beach Caloundra, Queensland

Meet the Group for Chit Chat Tuesdays at 10.30 - 12.00. Chit Chat Tuesday is at Happy Valley every Tuesday of the month, unless it's raining of course.      


Kings Beach Pool 18/2

Kings Beach Swimming Pool

Rhonda has invited members to meet her at Kings Beach Swimming Pool, behind the Surf Club, Tuesdays at 1 pm, if you'd like to get some exercise swimming or walking up and down the pool for an hour with some company.

Funky Trivia @ KBT 19/2

Kings Beach Tavern 43 Burgess Street, Kings Beach, Qld, Australia

Join our table for a silly, frustrating game of trivia, we have our Sheddies reputation to uphold!!🤣🤣    

Michael Larkin at Nicks Pizza Co – Dicky Beach – 21/2

Nicks Pizza Co 1/6 Beerburrum Street, Dicky Beach, Qld, Australia

Would any ladies like to join us at Nicks Pizza Co again - the Pizza place under the Portobello Resort on the corner at Dicky Beach.   Low key, relaxing for a Friday afternoon, listening to Michael Larkin,  musician extraordinaire. I have booked a table for 6 people.

RSVP Now Free 4 spots left

BYO craft & chat – 24/2 $5/$10

Bells on Main Community Space 2/11 Bulcock Street, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia

Let's just sit around and chat while we do our own thing! BYO your favourite craft and lets see what you do! Tea/coffee provided, maybe sweet stuff! $5 M / $10 NM from February

RSVP Now Free 8 spots left

Crochet with Clare 24/2 $5/$10

Bells on Main Community Space 2/11 Bulcock Street, Caloundra, Queensland, Australia

Clare Horan, the skilled, dedicated "hooker", there's nothing she doesn't know about crochet and she loves to share her knowledge if you want to learn:  then its practise, practise and more practise! $5 PP. Tea/coffee in the kitchen! $10 NM $5 if you need to buy a hook and ball of yarn from Clare.

RSVP Now Free 8 spots left

Chit Chat Tuesdays 10.30 – Happy Valley 25/2

Happy Valley Beach Caloundra, Queensland

Meet the Group for Chit Chat Tuesdays at 10.30 - 12.00. Chit Chat Tuesday is at Happy Valley every Tuesday of the month, unless it's raining of course.      

Funky Trivia @ KBT 26/2

Kings Beach Tavern 43 Burgess Street, Kings Beach, Qld, Australia

Join our table for a silly, frustrating game of trivia, we have our Sheddies reputation to uphold!!🤣🤣    

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